Погледнете ги „жешките“ фотографии од познатите по доделувањето на „Златните глобуси“

Во секое време познатите ѕвезди ги користат социјалните мрежи за да се промовираат себе. Така беше и овој пат на доделувањето на наградите „Златен глобус“, каде многу познати личности не им беа доволни фотографирањата на црвениот тепих, па одлучиле самите да сликаат неколку фотки во сопствена режија и да ги објават на социјалните мрежи. Погледнете и насмејте се:

Funny girl: Kaley posted this photo with the caption: 'Holding our golden globes at the golden globes :)' with The Big Bang Theory actress Melissa Rauch

Photobomb: The Big Bang Theory star hammed it up, seen here being photobombed by Heidi Klum, far left

Always be prepared: Kaley posted a shot of herself wearing the flat shoes she had packed for just the occasion

Klum, not Glum: Heidi Klum evidently had a very good time at the Golden Globes


Hungry: Emma Roberts also shared in some Golden Globe gastronomy, with a pre-ceremony burger

Pregnant pause: Drew Barrymore stopped off for some 'Post Golden Globes pregnancy pizza'

Last minute snack: Maria Menounos got some potato wedges en route to the Globes

Preparation: Sean Coombs - AKA P Diddy - freshens up before his big arrival

No hard feelings! After his Downton Abbey spoof last year, Diddy posed with the show's stars Michelle Dockery and Laura Carmichael at the awards

Pooped! Lena lay down in the back of her cab as she called it a night after an evening of partying

Hat-trick: Jamie King posts a shot of herself with Hailee Steinfeld and Taylor Swift

It's mine! Sofia Vergara jokingly wrestles Jacqueline Bisset's Globe out of her hand

Say cheese! Orlando Bloom and Zoe Saldana posed for a quick snap backstage at the awards

Doing a Miley! Jessica Chastain pulled a terrifying expression for the cameras

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