Натпревар на задници: Џеј Ло или Ники Минаж

Двете се многу познати во музичката индустрија.

Џенифер Лопез и Ники Минаж беа дел од Fashion Rocks концертот и растурија со провокативен танц, истакнувајќи го нивниот најголем адут – задникот (Ники и градите).

Кој би победил според вас, на еден ваков натпревар?

Џеј Ло

Stand out: JLo was the centre of attention as she performed with a group of well dressed male back up dancers

Showtime: The 45-year-old rocked the house in a very revealing outfit

Look at the girl: JLo got some attention from the men backing her up

Snapping away: Even on stage Jennifer made sure people were taking photos of her during her performance

Juicy! Jennifer wasn't afraid to flaunt her curves as she sashayed on stage

Ники Минаж

All the boys: Male backup dancers walked shirtless around the stage during her booty-full performance

Working it: The Super Bass rapper also showed off other aspects of her voluptuous figure

Looking out: Minaj was certain to exude her signature attitude on stage


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