Најжешкото музичко видео на Џастин Бибер до сега! (ВИДЕО)

Џастин Бибер добива танц во скут и бакнежи од едвај облечената згодна русокоса, моделот Каилин Русо во најновото негово музичко видео.
19-годишниот Џастин очигледно уживал во снимањето на новото видео, каде со моделот Каилин Русо разменуваат нежност и страст, а можете да погледнете и сами за што станува збор.

Racy new video: Justin Bieber gets a special dance from Cailin Russo in All That Matters

Pulling a Kanye: Justin also makes out with the scantily-clad model as he sits on a motorbike

Heating up: The pair engage in some steamy scenes in the clip

Whipping it off: The 19-year-old is shirtless for most of the video

A good show: The heartthrob appeared to be mimicking the guitar portions of the song

Touching the flame: The young man strokes Cailin's thighs as she poses on a motorbike

Making good: Justin cradles Caitlin's head as he pulls her in for a kiss

Getting hot in here: The 19-year-old is then seen kissing presumably the same girl against a wall

The finale: The clip ends with Justin looking pained as he sings, 'You make me complete, you're all that matters to me'

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