Бутот е граница! Кардашијан ги покажуваат своите нозе во секси блескави фустани

Божиќната забава на Крис Џенет се оддржа во нејзиниот пансион во Хиден Хилс и веќе ги видовме нејзините ќерки како ја покажуваат нивната гламурозна страна во долги блескави вечерни фустани, отворени до бутовите.
И двете во празнични нијанси- Клои во бел а Кендал во црвен фустан- девојките изгледаа спектакуларно како самовили под ѕвезденото небо.

Christmas belles: Khloe Kardashian shared this shot of her with younger sister Kendall Jenner as their mother's Christmas party got underway

Во меѓувреме, Крис ја заджала покриена својата кожа во скромен црвен фустан.

Party time: Kris shared this picture of herself and two male friends on her Instagram account, showing just a glimpse of her red dress

Погледнете поубаво како изгледаше таа Божиќна забава и сите гости во неа преку приложените, забавни фотки.

Ladies: Khloe and Kendall pose with a friend in the starry lounge

Dress disaster: Kris's white underwear was visible under the red lace as she posed with a friend's baby and singer Lance Bass and fiance Michael Turchin

'Mi Familia:' Kim poses up next to her fiance Kanye and sister Kylie in the booth

Treble trouble: Kim posted a photo of herself and friends at the party along with the words: 'Double Trouble @theeforevermalika @foreverkhadijah'

Mad hatters! Kim looked like she was having a good time with friends and family tweeting: #PhotoBoothFun @kendalljenner @blacchyna

Naughty or nice? Kim poses up with all her friends in the photo booth

I'm a reindeer! Kim joked around as she posed with festive reindeer antlers on her head

'Christmas time makes me happy!' Kendall shared this sexy picture of herself with the caption explaining her joy at Christmas

Besties: The model shared this picture of herself and her pals mugging for the camera at Kris' party

Wish list time! Lance and Michael posed up with Father Christmas at the party

Beautiful: Kylie shared this photograph with the caption, 'No filter needed. My beautiful Gma'

Gothic princess: Kylie sported a dark pout as she posed with a pal at the party

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