Време е за Оскари…и пица!

Тоа е ноќ која нема да се заборави. 

Dig in! A bemused pizza guy from Big Mama's Pizza on Sunset Boulevard followed Ellen around the Dolby Theatre handing out slices

Ellen DeGeneres повика вистински пица-дечко да ги достави пиците од Big Mama’s & Papa’s Pizzeria за публиката на Оскарите… и  собра бакшиш од ѕвездите во капата на Фарел Вилијамс.

Digging in: Brad Pitt bit into a slice of pizza in the audience as wife Angelina Jolie looked on

Дечкото кој ја достави пицата и се придружи на домаќинката на шоуто, Елен да ги раздаде парчињата пица на престижната публика на Оскарите полна со мултимилионери, вклучувајќи ги Бред Пит, Џенифер Лоренс, Џеред Лето, Џулија Робертс, Кевин Спејси, Мерил Стрип и многу други. А потоа Елен собра бакшиш од ѕвездите за дечкото-доставувач. Тоа беше забавна вечер… а и гладна вечер, очигледно. Сепак имаше и бремени жени во публиката.

На здравје 🙂

Good teamwork: Angelina looked on as husband Brad and 12 Years A Slave star Chiwetel Ejiofor prepared their snack

And the pizza goes to: Martin Scorsese takes a greasy slice

I'll take one! Jared Leto took the last slice - and promptly offered it to his mother, left

Not shy: Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep took advantage of the pizza offer

Good times: The pizza guy smiled as he helped feed the stars

Hollywood legend: Harrison Ford stood up and helped himself to a slice

Special delivery: The real delivery guy offered Harrison a pizza

Popular idea: The stars at the Oscars didn't hesitate when offered fresh pizza

Chowing down: Corinne Foxx, her father Jamie Foxx, Channing Tatum and his wife Jenna posed with the pizza

Good manners: Brad offered Oscar winner Meryl a plate for her slice of cheese

Pizza fan: Kevin Spacey grabbed a slice and passed the box around


Eating for two: Kerry Washington enjoyed a slice of pizza backstage

Thoughtful son: Jared grabbed a slice for his mother

Going once: Ellen and the pizza guy offered the stars in the front-row pizza

Pitching in: Best Supporting Actress winner Lupita Nyong'o clutched her Oscar while searching her purse for tip money for the pizza guy

Generous crowd: Brad and Chiwetel kicked in some cash

Big tippers: Kevin Spacey and John Travolta pulled out some bills for the tip

Passing the hat: Ellen used a large Pharrell Williams hat to collect tips from the crowd

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