Можете да ги приметите? Неверојатни фотографии од камуфлирани животни

Прекрасните фотографии ја покажуваат способноста на природата да се вклопи и спои со својата околина.
Совршено сокриени покрај нивната природна средина, овие неверојатни слики покажуваат на што се се спремни да направат некои животни за да се камуфлираат во нивната околината.

Без разлика дали тие се ловците или пленот, овие камуфлирани животни покажуваат како можат да останат сокриени од видикот. Од молец кој личи на паднат лист, до ајкула која се закопува себеси на океанското дно, секое животно има уникатна способност да остане скриено.

Користено како начин на залажување, уметноста на маскирањето се докажува како моќна алатка во постојаната борба во животинскиот свет на опстанок.

The camouflage mappet moth turns into a shade of orange so it can blend in with the fallen autumn leaves in Switzerland 

The coral waters that surround Indonesia are the perfect place for pigmy seahorses

Coral also allows the longfingered scorpionfish to stay hidden

Algae is often unwanted, but for this pipefish in the English Channel, it proves to be the perfect way to stay disguised while hunting for its prey 

A tawny moutfrog is almost unrecognisable as it blends in with the background of a tree in Western Australia

The tree bark protects a black arches moth in Cornwal

Hanging on to the plants in the rainforest of west Malaysia, this huge walking leaf insect looks as though it is part of the vegetation 

Snaking along the forest floor in central Africa, a Gaboon viper is hardly recognisable among the leaves and soil 

A brittle starfish blends into its surroundings of the soft coral which is in the waters surrounding Papua New Guinea

The sandy seabed around the coast of Tobago in the Caribbean means this peacock flounder is almost impossible to see as it lies on the sea floor

Another scorpion fish adopts another camouflage so it can go unnoticed along the floor of the Pacific Ocean 

An angelshark buries itself into the coarse sand in Tenerife as it creeps along the seafloor unnoticed

A great grey owl, which is commonly found in various woodland across the northern hemisphere, can hardly be seen against the grey trunks of the trees 

The long grass of the African plain allows this Kudu, a type of antelope native to east Africa, keep a low profile as they are rarely seen out in the open 

A small cheetah cub hides in the tall grass at the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya as its brown coat matches the dry plants around it 

An Asian tree frog, which is perfectly camouflaged against a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Borneo, Malaysia 

The white fur of this Arctic hare means it is almost hidden from any predators against the snow in northern Canada 

A picture showing exactly where the camouflage mappet moth is hiding amongst the autumn leaves in Switzerland 


Long fingered scorpion fish

The pipefish is revealed to be swimming among the algae on a reef at the bottom of the English Channel 

Tawny mouth frog

Black arches moth

When shading out the soft coral around Papua New Guinea, the brittle starfish can be seen attaching itself around  the seabed 

The peacock flounder lying on the sandy seabed in Tobago as blends in with the background 

The camouflaged scorpion fish can be spotted at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean 




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